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Real Estate Write For Us – Guest Post, Contribute, and Submit Post

Real Estate Write For Us - Guest Post, Contribute, and Submit Post

At technology dominator, we offer comprehensive resources for our professionals to real estate write for us that want to increase their business

A group of experts, designed to connect real estate professionals, industry experts and shopkeepers through various services, tools and understandings.

We are proud of the relevant content, proven strategies and information feature you can trust. If you join our partnership program, you may be the source for this relevant and authentic content.

How to Submit Your Articles on Technology Dominator?

To Real Estate Write for Us, you can email us at

What is the Expert Contributor Program?

The real estate partnership program is a unique platform where real estate industry experts can present the original content for publishing on our website. it is totally free.

In real estate, we know that the best advice comes from people who are there and what it is. Experience is a wonderful teacher, and one of your kinds of knowledge is invaluable.

What Are the Benefits Of Becoming A Contributor?

A portion of our mission in real estate is to provide property unnoticed professionals, like themselves, to provide the ability to promote their skills by becoming a leader, exchanging personal experiences and relevant advice they wish That they were first starting. But just sharing your story and getting out of your name is not the only benefit.

Keep yourself in position as an expert – to cooperate with your expert’s advice to a community that finds answers to their questions automatically gains you as an industry specialist, who Creates trust between you and your potential clients, users or maintenances.

Help others – Our mission property is to help the professionals increase their business. By learning your stories, lessons and sharing a general business perspective, you can work as a guardian of others.

Expand your Out Reach – the content published by the partnership program has been share with a group of thousands of members (which is growing every day) and it is the Dominator of Technology such as social media channels such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn have been developed. Published articles also considered for the feature in our target email campaigns.

Promote yourself – each of your published articles will automatically be linked to your technology dominator profile, where potential clients, users or maintenances can choose to contact you directly.

Promote your company – we allow a link to your company website in each article you developed. This will not only help to run real people’s traffic on your website, but will also help you get some benefit from SEO.

You can send your article to

Content Submission Guidelines On Technology Dominator

So how do you write a wonderful article about real estate, construction, home improvement, or any topic for this matter?

While writing you need to keep the following things in mind:-

  1. We only publish content related to real estate. Unrelated content on titles such as casinos, gambling, is also publish on our website.
  2. The content should be unique and it should not be published anywhere else.
  3. The lower word limit for the article is 800 words.
  4. The recommended length of the article is 2000+ words. The upper limit is 4000 words.
  5. Choose a title that is universal in nature and has a large number of audiences.
  6. It will certainly be beneficial to prove your theory with statistics and examples.
  7. Use key words, titles and all headings to make the article SEO friendly.
  8. They should be a natural part of the article rather than forced.
  9. Spamie or low quality links will not be accepted.
  10. So make sure the content you submit is of good quality.
  11. Please make sure the content offered contains appropriate grammar and correct spelling.
  12. Add your link to URL into the content.
  13. Mention the author’s name, a brief introduction, and contact email address.
  14. The article present can be rejectd without assignment.
  15. Published articles can be removed in the same way.
  16. After presenting the article, it will become our property and we will be free to edit it according to our reader’s tastes.
  17. We will decide to publish your content within two days from the date of submission.
  18. Submit your content to DOCX (MS Word) or ODT (Libreoffice Author) file format. Attach high resolution image files separately.
  19. Add photos (JPEG format) to your article. The recommended resolution is 1200 (W) x 800 (H) pixels. Photos should be unique and free to use without copyrights.
  20. After approval of the title, please submit the contents within a week to ensure that the article is consider for publishing.
  21. Email your content at submit.

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